An immersive relaxing wellness experience surrounded by the calming sense of peace only nature provides in this two-day outdoor Lavender Haze Yoga Retreat led by Debbie Flynn.
Friday, June 2nd from 6pm - 9pm
Enjoy a gentle yoga flow, catered charcuterie & fruit, campfire and fire meditation session.
Saturday, June 3rd from 9am - 3:30pm
Morning yoga session followed by an aromatherapy workshop where you’ll create your own soothing essential oil roller.
Deluxe Sound Healing session with Misty Brown of Wellspring Healing.
Lunch catered by Dorothy Lane Market.
Afternoon yoga session followed by exploring the lavender fields to pick your own bundle of English Lavender and the day will conclude with a short meditation.
Tickets: $169 after May 1st, 2023