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U-Pick Lavender & Wildflowers (U-Make Day)

  • Cedar Ridge Trails 5388 Medlar Road Miamisburg, OH, 45342 United States (map)

Join us to pick a bundle of fresh lavender and wildflowers!

June 24 - July 15 Peak Lavender Season!

Long-stem Lavender, Short-stem Lavender, Calendula, Wildflowers emerging

U-Pick Ticket Price: $15

U-Pick U-Make Day!

Join us to create your own hands-on activity or essential oil blend and incorporate it into a wellness product! You can join us to make your product anytime during the u-pick event.

July 1st 12pm U-Pick, we’ll be making an Essential Oil Roller.

Tickets for the U-Make products are sold separately from U-Pick tickets.

U-Make Ticket Price: $12

July 1

Lavender Market

July 1

U-Pick Lavender & Wildflowers